Have Questions About New Early Orthodontics?

You have questions, we have answers! Read on to learn about New Early Orthodontics and how orthodontic treatments can benefit your child.

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General FAQ

What causes crooked teeth?

It is a common belief that crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development, and other orthodontic problems are caused by either large teeth in small jaws, or other hereditary factors. Modern research has shown that mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing, and thumb sucking – known as incorrect myofunctional habits – are the real causes of incorrect jaw development. Allergies, asthma and an open mouth posture can also contribute towards the jaws developing incorrectly. Bottle feeding, thumb sucking, and pacifiers during the early stages of a child’s life can also contribute to the problem.

What happens during the initial examination?

Upon arriving, each patient and parent will be seen by the staff and doctor who will acclimate you to our office and prepare for the initial exam. Dr. Baller will then complete a thorough examination and consult with you regarding findings and treatment recommendations. To read more about your first visit, see our First Visit page.

What do you look for during the initial examination?

There are five essential questions that we will cover during the initial examination:

1. Is there an orthodontic problem, and if so, what is it?
2. What must be done to correct the problem?
3. What is the best timing to begin the treatment?
4. How long will the treatment take to complete?
5.How much will the treatment cost?

Will I need to have teeth extracted for braces?

Because we use a proprietary system of treatment called New Early Orthodontics before braces, with proper cooperation, rarely will a patient require the extraction of permanent teeth. This statement does not apply toward wisdom teeth (3rd molars) as most people do not have enough room in their mouth for keeping them.

How much will treatment options cost? Are financing options available? How does my insurance work?

It is impossible to give an exact cost for treatment until we have examined your child. We will cover the exact cost and financial options during the initial examination. We have many financing options available to accommodate your needs, and we will review these with you. We will also review your insurance policy and help to maximize your benefit and file your claims.

How often will I need to attend appointments?

Appointments are scheduled according to each patient’s needs. Most patients in treatment will be seen every four to 10 weeks. If there are specific situations that require more frequent monitoring, we will schedule appointments accordingly.

Can I schedule all of my appointments after school?

Most parents prefer to schedule appointments for children after school. Most routine, shorter appointments can be scheduled after school and longer, more involved appointments will need to be scheduled during school hours. This will allow for the majority of appointments to be scheduled in the after school hours. Because most appointments are scheduled four to 10 weeks apart and many appointments can be after school, patients will miss only small amounts of school due to their orthodontic appointments.

Do orthodontic treatments hurt?

Generally, orthodontic treatments do not “hurt.” After certain visits, teeth may be sore for a few days. In these situations, pain medications such as Advil or Tylenol will ease the discomfort. However, after most visits, patients do not feel any soreness at all! We often remind our patients, It does not have to hurt to work!

Do I need to see my family dentist while in braces?

Yes! Regular six month checkups with your family dentist are important while in treatment. If oral hygiene is not great, your family dentist will determine if the time between cleaning appointments should be shorter while you are in treatment.

Are there foods I cannot eat while wearing braces?

Yes. Once treatment begins, we will explain the complete instructions and provide a comprehensive list of foods to avoid. Some of those foods include: ice, hard candy, raw vegetables and all sticky foods (i.e. caramel and taffy). You can avoid most emergency appointments to repair broken or damaged braces by carefully following our instructions.

Will my child need a palate expander?

At the completion of the initial examination, we will determine whether a patient will need an expander.

Your Myobrace Questions Answered

What is Myobrace?

Myobrace is a no-braces orthodontic approach to help straighten your teeth and jaws. Treatment addresses the poor oral habits that are the real cause of crooked teeth. More information can be found by visiting the Myobrace website: ‘How Myobrace Works’.

How do Myobrace treatments work?

Myobrace treatment involves using a series of appliances which have the proven dual function of correcting myofunctional habits that cause poor dental development, while also providing light forces to align the teeth into their natural position. This technique is now used by practitioners in more than 100 countries worldwide. Treatment does not involve wearing braces or using complex and uncomfortable dental appliances 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Wearing a Myobrace appliance for one to two hours each day and overnight while sleeping, combined with a series of ‘myofunctional exercises’ (also known as the Trainer Activities) each day is all it takes for a real change to occur. More information can be found by visiting the Myobrace website: ‘How Myobrace Works’.

How long do Myobrace treatments generally last?

Myobrace treatment time is usually comparable to the time required for treatment with braces, but instead of being fixed to the teeth, Myobrace appliances are removable and require just one to two hours of use each day plus overnight while sleeping.

What other benefits might I see from using this treatment?

Unlike traditional orthodontics, the aim of Myobrace treatment is not just to have straight front teeth, but also to remove the bad influences on the patients dental and facial development. In children, as a result of improving poor oral habits patients can experience better facial development and achieve their full genetic potential. Other health benefits of Myobrace treatment methods include improved posture, fewer allergies, and fewer problems with the teeth, mouth and jaw joints (TMJ).

Will my child need a second round of treatment when they are older, and how much would this cost?

Approximately half of all kids going through our early preventive orthodontics will not need traditional braces. For those who opt for finishing with braces or Invisalign Teen, the treatment time is greatly decreased from an average of 24-30 months to only 3-6 months. This shorter treatment time dramatically reduces costs and we guarantee that kids who have early treatment will not pay more for treatment in our office compared to only treating with conventional braces.

How Much Does Myobrace® Treatment Cost?

Generally, the cost of Myobrace treatment is about half the cost of traditional braces, however we will be able to provide you with an exact fee structure after your initial visit. If treatment is started while the patient is younger, generally treatment will cost less than if it is left until later.

How Often Do I Need to Wear Myobrace?

The appliances must be worn daily for one to two hours plus overnight while sleeping. Along with wearing the appliance, you may be asked to perform a few simple activities that re-train the oral muscles and help motivate the patient to improve their overall treatment outcome. Any extra effort gives extraordinary results.

Will My Child’s Teeth Stay Straight After Treatment?

Over the course of Myobrace® treatment, we will closely monitor your child’s progression. Generally, if the myofunctional problems are corrected, the teeth will stay in their position. However, if there is some unfavorable movement of the teeth after treatment we can finish with traditional braces or Invisalign® Teen.

Are there any signs or reasons why the Myobrace system may not be for me?

There are a few. The Myobrace® System requires daily use over an extended period of time. Non-compliant patients will not achieve a satisfactory result. Age is a significant factor; the older the patient is the more difficult it is to change habits and move the teeth. Patients with extremely crooked teeth and jaw discrepancies which stop the child from physically holding the Myobrace® appliance in their mouth can limit treatment possibilities. Complete nasal obstruction can also make Myobrace® treatment difficult.